The Joy of The Shepherds
Bible Text: Luke 2:1-20 | Preacher: Pastor Rae | Loving God, I pray that you would take these words and bless them, making them into a word of grace from you. Where they are merely mine, I pray that no harm would be done. Amen.
Do not be afraid; for see–I am bringing you good news of great joy…
The shepherds were just doing their jobs. The graveyard shift made for long nights. Sheep need tending and protecting no matter what hour of the day. It was honest labor and someone had to do it. Not bad work if you could get it, actually. These shepherds had probably grown up helping their fathers, uncles, and brothers… learning the trade as they grew into it themselves. Learning to protect the sheep and goats from the lion and the wolf. Perhaps they were a bit on edge as they kept their weary eyes open for a predator.
Do not be afraid; for see–I am bringing you good news of great joy…
Perhaps in the wee hours of this holy night they were thinking about their families back home. Maybe one of them had a wife who was expecting a baby or one of their little children was sickly and with failing health. Or possibly one was thinking about an elderly parent who had just recently fallen and was now barely able to move.
Do not be afraid; for see–I am bringing you good news of great joy…
It might be that these shepherds had just been talking about the politics of the day and they were worried about what new sanctions Rome might inflict on their villages. Or they were worried about a radicalized brother who had recently joined the rebellious Essenes, known to create havoc in their fury to be free of Roman rule.
Do not be afraid; for see–I am bringing you good news of great joy…
Maybe one of them was sick himself and he was worried that when he died his vulnerable family would succumb to starvation without his wages to sustain them.
Do not be afraid; for see–I am bringing you good news of great joy…
Can you imagine other things that the shepherds might have been worried about well before the angels appeared before them? You see, these shepherds are us. Average people trying to keep pace with a busy world; holding on to fear and grief in a land of suffering; straining to hang on in the midst of powers well beyond the average person’s control.
Do not be afraid; for see–I am bringing you good news of great joy…
In the midst of our hectic lives, how often do we need to hear this? Every week? Every day? Every hour? Every moment?
Do not be afraid; for see–I am bringing you good news of great joy…
Perhaps you, like me, carry a sadness through this season of holiday bling and charming carols. Maybe you feel the weight of a forgiveness withheld from an estranged family member or old friend. Or you hold a grief, old or new, that leaves you raw each time you experience a nostalgic moment of Christmas. Maybe you are simply missing someone who lives far away and wish that they could be safely home again. Whose voice do you wish you could hear just once more this Christmas?
Do not be afraid; for see–I am bringing you good news of great joy…
For others of us perhaps the struggle is how to afford presents for children who ask Santa for gifts beyond our capacity. I remember well a Christmas when I had to rely on the kindness of strangers to make our season bright. Strangers who bought gifts, gave money, and even paid overdue bills. It was the most profound Christmas miracle and those strangers will never know, can’t possibly know, how deeply it changed my life and that of my children.
Do not be afraid; for see–I am bringing you good news of great joy…
My friends, Joy cannot come without sadness and struggle. The birth of the Christ child, like every birth, could not happen without the groans, straining, and tears of childbirth. The depth of God’s love for us required the suffering of the life and death of Jesus. The depth of love between old friends and long married couples is because of, not in spite of, the shared pain, arguments, and overcome challenges along the companionable journey of life. The beauty of a painting requires the suffering of the artist. The harmony of a symphony requires the suffering of countless hours of practice, including the painful first notes squeezed out in a child’s bedroom violating the sensitive eardrums of any patient parent.
There is no joy without suffering. And in a strange way, this is the good news. No matter how much you are struggling, joy awaits you. If we will allow God to work on us and through us, suffering can indeed provide opportunities for incredible joy. We are not alone. We are very loved. Good things are all around us. Love is powerful. Beauty runs deep. The Christ-child will be born. The sun will rise after the darkness of the night. And spring will come again!
Do not be afraid; for see–I am bringing you good news of great joy…
If you are hurting this Christmas or any part of this season, it’s ok. If you find yourself trying to keep the smile on your face despite the tears in your eyes. You are not alone. The shepherds understand, they lived it, too. We are all the shepherds, keeping watch over our little flocks each night. Prepare your heart for the Christ-child who comes to live among us and share our pain. At any moment this season, the skies might erupt with angel choirs reminding us:
Do not be afraid; for see–I am bringing you good news of great joy…