Hedding United Methodist Church welcomes and celebrates our human family's diversity of race, ethnicity, age, faith history, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, relationship status, physical and mental ability and education. We affirm that all people are created in the image of God, and - as beloved Children of God - are worthy of God's love and grace.
Up Coming Events
Recent Worship Services

Outreach Ministries

Friday Night Community Supper
Our new kitchen is finished and ready to serve people again! Great food! Great music! Great community! Fridays at 5:30 PM (doors open at 4:30) dinner is served and live music keeps the community singing, clapping, and generally enjoying the time we spend together! Volunteers in the kitchen have as much fun as the guests! The food shelf is also open during this time.

Bread of Life Food Shelf
Shop for the food you want and need once each month. Volunteer with the team that helps stock shelves and checks in guests. Donate non-perishables or extra produce from your summer garden. Open on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 – 4:30 PM and on Fridays from 5:00 – 6:30 PM.

Financial Assistance
Need help with a utility bill or this month’s rent? We can help with that! Rental Assistance and Deposits, Heating and Utilities Assistance, Medical Expense Assistance, Clothing Vouchers, Referrals for Other Resources, Case Management Team Participation, Coordination with Agencies and Programs, Health and Wellness Program Connections, Veterans Issues Assistance, and Community Service Opportunities. Wednesdays – Fridays by appointment with our Outreach Coordinator, Phyliss Azotea: (802) 261-1342

Backpack Program
Even before the devastating floods in July 2023 food insecurity for many children in Barre was real. Hedding United Methodist Church (HUMC) in partnership with Barre City Elementary & Middle School (BCEMS) began a weekend backpack program for students at the beginning of February. Each student gets a backpack (3 meals x 2 days of the weekend + snacks). Each backpack costs about $15-20 and weighs between 6-8 pounds. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out and email Denise Goodnow at dgoodnow13@gmail.com. Thank you for your consideration on this worthwhile project.

Visitation Ministry
Pastoral care, prayer, communion, and extending community to the sick or homebound is another way that we put our faith into action. Contact the church office to request a visit from Pastor Rae or a visitation team or simply click here to schedule a visit with the pastor. We are also asking for knitters, crocheters, and quilters to make prayer shawls for those in need of some extra prayer and love. These will be prayed over on a Sunday morning by our worshiping congregation.

Rev. Rae Fraumann
Pastor Rae (they/them) began their ministry at Hedding Church on July 1, 2019 after two decades of youth and young adult ministries at various churches in New Jersey and Vermont. They graduated from Ramapo College in 2000 with a Bachelors of Science in Physics and from Drew Theological School in 2008 with a Masters in Divinity. Rae can often be found outside playing, gardening, or just sitting in the sunshine enjoying the beauty of God’s magnificent creation. Their love of creation dovetails nicely with their contemplative spiritual practices all of which center and ground their daily life. Music also nourishes their spirit and they loves to share their voice and guitar with the community.
Hedding Church
40 Washington Street
Barre, VT 05641
(802) 476-8156 heddingchurchinbarre@gmail.com
Sunday Morning Worship at 10AM