Want to know what’s happening at Hedding? Below are events, newsletters, and the calendar for the current month!

Vermont Bluegrass Pioneers Concert

Saturday, March 29th
7:30PM in the Sanctuary
Suggested Donations: $15-$20

New Children’s Ministry!

Music for Littles!
Following Worship on Sunday Mornings
Join other children and families in the Nursery Room!

Bible Study for Lent

One chapter each week of lent
Starting the first week of March
Tuesdays at noon; Thursdays at 5:30
Meet in the Bible Study Room

Welcoming New Members

Sunday, March 23rd during the service

Monthly Potluck

Coming up on Sunday, January 26th

Last Sunday of Each Month Following Worship
Bring a Dish to Share and Come Hungry!

Dungeons and Dragons

7PM Most Thursdays, Room 2

New Member Classes

Sunday, March 9th after the service
Sunday, March 16th after the service

Hedding Church
40 Washington Street
Barre, VT 05641

(802) 476-8156  heddingchurchinbarre@gmail.com

Sunday Morning Worship at 10AM