A core part of Hedding United Methodist Church is about BEING the church. This is our benediction every Sunday:
We don’t GO to church – we ARE the church!
It means that we don’t believe that just sitting in the pews on a Sunday morning is what makes us Christian. It is the work that we do in the world, the way we reach out to help our neighbors, the love that we share is what makes us church!
If you want to get involved and BE church with us, we welcome you! Below are some ways to be involved!

Diaper Depot
Since May 2023, we have collected and distributed thousands of diapers. Families come to the church and, with no questions asked, receive a package of diapers and some wipes. We are always in need of more. Diapers of all sizes, pull-ups, and wipes go out the door about as quickly as they arrive! Help us sort and hand out diapers!
Food Shelf
Open three afternoons a week, our food shelf serves dozens of people weekly. We are always in need of non-perishables, fresh produce, toiletries, pet food, and more. We’re looking for a few new volunteers to guide guests through!
Friday Night Community Dinner
Great food! Great music! Great community! Fridays at 5:30 PM (doors open at 4:30) dinner is served and live music keeps the community singing, clapping, and generally enjoying the time we spend together! Volunteers in the kitchen have as much fun as the guests!
Eat with us! Greet and get to know guests! Join the ad hoc band that gathers each week! Help cook! Help serve! Get involved! Talk with Phyllis about being a part of the kitchen crew! Talk to Patt about helping with children and youth engagement! Just show up to help build community or play in the band!

Backpack Program
Hedding United Methodist Church in partnership with Barre City Elementary & Middle School is offering a weekend backpack program for students in grades Kindergarten, 1&2. In conjunction with the Hedding United Methodist Church’s food shelf we are sending backpacks home on Fridays with 50 students. Each student gets a backpack with three meals times the two days of the weekend and snacks. Many of these students are “unhoused” and food insecurity just adds to the stress of their lives. We don’t currently need more volunteers to pack the bags, but we encourage people and organizations to set up donation boxes and deliver them to the church!
For our current list of needs, click here.

July 2023 Flood Recovery

Last summer, when the floods ravaged Vermont on July 10th and 11th, our church stepped up to help. UMCOR delivered a tractor trailer full of flood buckets and arranged another tractor trailer full of water, food, and other supplies to come to our building. We also became a hub for other donations of fans, dehumidifiers, tools, boots, work gloves, cleaning supplies, clothing etc, etc, from all over the state and beyond. Our church building became a warehouse and our members stepped up to help day in and day out. We became really good at the bucket brigade, both into the building and then out again as we filled up personal trucks, vans, and cars to head to neighboring towns, many of which were cut off or overlooked by work crews. We lost count of how many local families and individuals we were able to help in those busy days. It was like being on a mission trip in our own backyard and we had fun doing it! The Hedding Family is all about DOING the work of the gospel! Every week at the end of worship we say together: We don’t GO to church – We ARE the church! And we mean it!
Hedding Church
40 Washington Street
Barre, VT 05641
(802) 476-8156 heddingchurchinbarre@gmail.com
Sunday Morning Worship at 10AM